Most Common 3D Printing Problems and How To Fix Them


Most Common 3D Printing Problems and How To Fix ThemTechnology is a hit or miss, especially with detecting common errors. Many of us have encountered our fair share of “hiccups” in the tech world, but we’re not afraid to get better and learn how to fix these common problems. However, you might have trouble understanding issues with other types of tech, like 3D printers. Here are the most common 3D printing problems and how to fix them.

Your 3D Print Has Bent Edges

If this is your first time working with a 3D printer, you can expect problems to arise. Sometimes it’s due to the print bed; other times, it’s the 3D print itself experiencing defects.

Every so often, your model might have a slight rise, usually happening at the bottom of the layer. These are bent edges, and the predicament arises from the filament, typically ABS or PLA, cooling too fast.

How To Absolve This Issue

Don’t worry; there’s a fix. The bent edges appear from warping, a common 3D printing problem preventable with the right safeguards. First, you must reevaluate your structure and take note of where the warping happens.

If you find that printing directly on the 3D printer is causing the issue, you should consider buying a heat plate. Using a heat plate stops warping in 3D printing by giving you a temperature-controlled surface to print on, avoiding the chance of edges rising and messing up the prototype.

The Print Isn’t Staying on the Bed

It’s irksome to spend all that time printing something only to find that the fiber didn’t stick to the bed. How could that have happened? You may wonder if the print bed needs a lubricant—but that can’t be it. The only other thing could be that the bond doesn’t have the right texture to stick to.

It sounds silly, but it makes sense! The best fix for this is to create a bonding surface. Without making adjustments, you might become a victim of filament spaghetti!

How To Help the Print Stay on the Bed

Here’s what you do: use stick glue or add specialty tape. Sometimes the best methods are all under one roof—your roof! Doing this will help keep the structure sticking, especially when it requires a high temp!

No Filament Is Extracting From the Printer

3D filaments can run out fast, and sometimes it’s hard to catch! You can usually tell when the nozzle draws in air, but nothing comes out. There is an easy fix: replace the reel once it runs out.

Technology is a beautiful invention that many of us struggle with learning. As you learn your 3D printer and how to fix common problems, you’ll start to catch the issues faster and find the best solutions to fixing them.